NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association 新西兰湖北经贸文化协会


New Zealand Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association

Based in Christchurch NZ, we provide a platform for governments, business and organizations from China and New Zealand to meet, network, exchange information, and work together in the field of economy, trade, technology and culture.

By organizing activities of cultural exchange, forums and seminars to allow members and friends to help each other, share resources, enrich social life, enhance friendship and facilitate business development.

By using the advantages of overseas Chinese to carry out civil diplomacy, facilitate visiting delegations to and from China, and provide informative advice to businesses and communities with the aim of cooperation.

Our Committee / 理事会

Dr Yafei Zhou President / 周亚非 会长 工程博士 高级工程师、科学家
Dr Gong Qin Executive President / 秦工 执行会长 经济学博士 高级经济师
Dr John Yi Jiang Vice President / 姜翼 副会长 医药博士 副教授
Ms Yulan Liu Vice President / 刘玉兰  副会长
Mrs Jessie Dong Vice President / 董茜 副会长 会计师
Mrs Yang Qin Zhou Vice President / 秦阳  副会长 高级工程师
Mrs Tina Zhang Vice President / 张语轩  副会长
Mrs Michelle Fu Secretary / 付贺子  秘书 数学硕士
Ms YuRong She Executive Committee Member / 佘雨蓉  理事 心理咨询师

Mr Henry Wu  Executive Committee Member / 吴懿恒  理事 专职钢琴艺人

Mrs Hanhua Zhang Branch President of Wellington Region JP / 张汉华 太平绅士 惠灵顿分会 会长
Mrs Mei Ding Branch President of Auckland Region JP / 丁梅  太平绅士 奥克兰分会 会长